Began 8th grade in 2011

176 students

Graduated from high school

139 (79.0%)

Statewide: 81.1%

Enrolled in college

99 (56.2%)

Statewide: 51.8%

Graduated from college

42 (23.9%)

Statewide: 22.0%

Each year, approximately 300,000 students begin eighth grade in a Texas public school. National employment and earnings statistics suggest that these students will have materially better prospects as adults if they finish high school and enroll in and complete a post-secondary certificate or degree program. Using data from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Texas Education Agency, the Tribune is providing a look into the outcomes of students who started eighth grade in a Texas public school from 1997 to 2011.

Of the 176 students in Falls County who began 8th grade in 2011, 23.9 percent received a certificate or degree from a Texas college or university within six years of their anticipated high school graduation date. For context, a 13-year-old student who started 8th grade in 1997 is about 41 years old; one who started 8th grade in 2011 is now about 27.

We have broken down these numbers by ethnicity, gender and economic status.

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A breakdown, by ethnicity, of outcomes for cohorts of students who attended eighth grade in a Texas public school. You can see who graduated from high school, who enrolled in higher education and who completed a certificate or degree.

Outcome of 8th grade class by ethnicity, 2011

Ethnicity Class size Graduated high school Enrolled in college Graduated from college
Black N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hispanic 67 47 30 18
White 54 46 34 15
Other 55 46 35 9
Total 176 139 99 42


A breakdown, by gender, of outcomes for cohorts of students who attended eighth grade in a Texas public school. You can see who graduated from high school, who enrolled in higher education and who completed a certificate or degree.

Outcome of 8th grade class by gender, 2011

Gender Class size Graduated high school Enrolled in college Graduated from college
Female 93 76 61 26
Male 83 63 38 16
Total 176 139 99 42

Economic status

A breakdown, by economic status, of outcomes for cohorts of students who attended eighth grade in a Texas public school. You can see who graduated from high school, who enrolled in higher education and who completed a certificate or degree.

Outcome of 8th grade class by economic status, 2011

Economic status Class size Graduated high school Enrolled in college Graduated from college
Disadvantaged 129 99 68 27
Not disadvantaged 47 40 31 15
Total 176 139 99 42